The Wild Venison Difference
With an abundant supply of Wild Venison available throughout Aotearoa, we’re on a mission to make Wild Venison an enjoyable and accessible part of your diet.
Family-owned and operated
Alpine Deer Wild Venison’s origins date back more than 50 years to 1964 when our patriarch Sir Tim Wallis founded Alpine Deer alongside pioneering New Zealand’s global venison and deer product industry from a plentiful resource that remains a domestic conservation threat.
It’s become a family passion. Today, we’re channeling that passion into proudly delivering kiwi families prime, free-range, 100% Wild Venison direct from New Zealand’s spectacular landscapes to your dinner plates.

Delivering wellbeing, vitality, and longevity to discerning customers
Wild Venison is naturally low in fat, high in protein, rich in vitamins, and free of additives or chemicals
New Zealand Red Deer
We source our Venison from New Zealand’s vast red deer population, which roams wild and free amongst remote lush bush and pristine alpine ranges, thriving on fresh air, native vegetation, and pure water.
Their healthy, stress-free lifestyle is embodied in our Wild Venison, globally renowned for its high quality, tender texture, and distinct yet delicate flavour.
We’re using our deer harvesting and processing knowledge and expertise, honed over more than five decades, to sustainably and kindly harvest these deer - helping to control the rampant population; protect New Zealand’s unique biodiversity; help our native forests to combat climate change through sequestering carbon, and deliver kiwi families a renewable food resource.